We wake up to hear an odd sound carried through the forced-air ducts. So, did we see any additional new Firefox users thanks to all of the hard work put into Facebook Container? This is expected since we’re in the weeks surrounding Easter… but why did I look at last April instead of last March? Easter changes its position relative to the civil calendar, making it impossible to compare between years. This highlights a seasonal depression starting the week of April 10 similar to the one shown in the previous plot. So here’s one showing approximate Firefox client counts of last April: Yesterday’s numbers are low comparing to other Tuesdays these past four weeks, but look at how low Monday’s numbers are! Clearly this is some weird kinda week, making it impossible to compare between weeks. So here’s one showing the number of new-profile pings we received each day this month: The shapes of the curves don’t line up, making it impossible to compare between days. Summer Time lining up with Daylight Saving Time means that different parts of the world were installing Firefox at different times of the day.

Here’s one showing the new-profile pings we receive each minute of some interesting days: I can’t tell, no matter how I word the question.

Normally this is where I trot out the usual gimmick “Well, it depends on how you word the question.” “Additional” compared to what, exactly? Compared to the day before? The same day a week ago? A month ago? With all this positive press did we see any additional new Firefox users because of it? We started seeing incredible numbers of hits on the blogpost (I don’t have plots for that, sorry). So it quickly hit the usual nerdy corners of the web… but then it spread. It’s easy-to-use, open source, and incredibly timely. From then on Facebook will only be able to track you with their cookies while you are actually visiting Facebook. It’s really just as simple as going to the Facebook Container page on and clicking on the “+ Add to Firefox” button. You can try it out right now if you’d like. The work of (amongst others) :groovecoder, :pdol, :pdehaan, :rfeeley, :tanvi, and :jkt, Facebook Container puts Facebook in a little box and doesn’t let it see what else you do on the web. Yesterday, Mozilla was in the news again for releasing a Firefox add-on called Facebook Container. This Week in Glean: The Three Roles of Data Engagements.This Week in Glean: How Long Must I Wait Before I Can See My Data?.This Week in Glean: What If I Want To Collect All The Data?.Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored ( caawin) ↑ NetBSD binary package of Firefox 24.